white and black moon with black skies and body of water photography during night time

Soul Path Progress: Easing into Shadow Work

One of the best ways to make soul path progress is by listening to the stories of other people’s experiences. Why? It’s easier to make more permanent memories when you can really feel someone else’s emotions through their storytelling. As the saying goes, people might not remember exactly what happened, but they sure do remember…

Aurora’s Manifestation Breakthrough [Video Post]

Aurora’s Manifestation Breakthrough [Video Post]

Have you been struggling with manifestation lately? I’ve definitely been there. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried to will my dreams to come true, the universe had other plans. Well, when I finally got sick and tired of not getting what I wanted, I embarked on a journey to find something that…

beach woman sunrise silhouette
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Get the Life You Deserve by Embracing Duality

In order to manifest the life you deserve, let’s start with the facts: For example, the sun is a giant ball of energy 100 million miles away that fuels our planet – from photosynthesis in plants, all the way up to the solar panels on your roof. This is a fact. And another: your thoughts…