Getting Your Life Together at 30
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Getting Your Life Together at 30

So you’re getting your life together at 30. This is great news! There is no better time to get your life together than right now. Getting your life together at any age is a good idea, and 30 is as good a time as any. However, those of us leaving the Odyssey Years of our…

What Frequency Does Money Vibrate At?

What Frequency Does Money Vibrate At?

You might be wondering what frequency does money vibrate at? But, have you considered what frequency you are vibrating at?Perhaps this is the better question. Understanding how the law of vibration works, and how to use it beneficially, is fundamental for using the law of attraction effectively. If you want to use the law of…

NLP Plus Brain Entrainment is a winning Combo

NLP Plus Brain Entrainment is a winning Combo

Did you know that NLP plus Brain Entrainment is one of the best combinations for easy and effective personal development? Have you heard of NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Today, it has almost a cult following. It’s like someone took the best out of all forms of psychotherapy, threw them into a blender, and…

What Happens When the Ego Becomes Overwhelmed?
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What Happens When the Ego Becomes Overwhelmed?

What happens when the ego becomes overwhelmed is usually not pretty, to put it bluntly. But there are many definitions of the word ego. Let’s make things easy and first clarify what we’ll be referring to in this article when we talk about the ego. Interestingly, the word ego in Latin means “I”. So we…

How To Not Let Things Bother You In a Relationship
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How To Not Let Things Bother You In a Relationship

If you want to know how to not let things bother you in a relationship, then keep reading. I’ve got some tips and hard truths for you about not letting things bother you in a relationship that you need to know. When people in long standing relationships are asked what the secret is to staying…

Aurora’s Manifestation Breakthrough [Video Post]

Aurora’s Manifestation Breakthrough [Video Post]

Have you been struggling with manifestation lately? I’ve definitely been there. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried to will my dreams to come true, the universe had other plans. Well, when I finally got sick and tired of not getting what I wanted, I embarked on a journey to find something that…

How Do You Know If You Have a Big Ego?

How Do You Know If You Have a Big Ego?

When I was taking classes, I’d often say to myself “I could teach this class better than the teacher.” This is how I know that I have a big ego (at least in that moment). Our thoughts are the main giveaway. If your thoughts are primarily about you, and how important you are, and how…

555 Angel Number Meaning: Manifestation
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555 Angel Number Meaning: Manifestation

Angel number 555 is a very spiritually significant sequence of numbers. When this number appears to you often it could signify an important message coming to you from the divine realm. Seeing this number means there is potential for great abundance to enter your life. Your twin flame may be near when 555 appears as…