gray double bell clock

How To: Practice the Pause

When do we practice the pause? “Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.” Lori Deschene Lori Deschene has such a great idea in the quote above. It is beneficial to take a moment…

How To Stop Worrying About The Future
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How To Stop Worrying About The Future

Are you struggling to stop worrying about the future? We all want to be prepared for whatever is coming down the pipeline, but until we accept that we cannot change or control the future, we cannot be free to enjoy the present moment. Worrying about the future can take up a lot of our time…

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How To Get Ahead In Life Quickly

Are you wondering how you can get ahead in life easily? Maybe you’ve tried several methods already, but none of them have produced lasting results for you. Well, you’re not alone. There are so many ideas out there about how to get ahead in life, that it can be difficult to know where to begin….

woman in black crew neck shirt holding black and white ceramic mug
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How To: Self Love Meditation

Have you ever tried a self love meditation? We’ve all heard about the importance of self love. But there’s a difference between understanding that something can help you, and actually implementing it into your daily life. If you struggle with low self esteem and/or low self worth, then this tool is for you. Engaging in…

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Why It Is Important to Forgive

Sometimes it’s hard to see why it is important to forgive. Especially when we were hurt, manipulated, or taken advantage of. We’ve all heard that it is important to forgive, but why? Doesn’t forgiving someone mean that you are excusing their bad behavior? Saying it’s ok opens us up to being hurt again, right? These…

man s hand in shallow focus and grayscale photography
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What Are the 4 Stages of Personal Development?

The 4 Stages of personal development can be broken down as follows: 1. Doubt & Resistance When we first embark on our personal development journey, we know that there is a lot of work to be done. However, we try not to focus on that, because it may seem so overwhelming that we give up…

woman in beige coat standing near white wooden book shelf
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Using The Power of Choice

Do you underestimate the power of choice? Well if you do, you are not alone.  Many of us do.  And today is the day to quit it. Learning to use the power of choice is what separates the strong people from the weak. If you tend to go silent when decision making time comes, you…

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How To: Soothe Your Soul

Do you need some fresh ways to soothe your soul? Don’t we all? Especially considering how the world is right now. We could all use some self-soothing, that’s for sure. So we decided to come up with some suggestions to help you feel better, no matter what the circumstances are. This is some really valuable…

father teaching his son how to ride a bike
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What Are 3 Types of Relationships?

Would you like to learn more about the most important 3 types of relationships? Although there are many types of relationships, and each one is unique, there are 3 types of relationships that you should know more about. Our Relationship With Ourselves First and most importantly, let’s discuss our relationship with ourselves. This relationship is…