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You Don’t Need MONEY, You Just Need to BELIEVE: Money & Beliefs [Video Short]

In order to create money and wealth you must first believe that it is possible. In this video, we explore how money and belief are both essential for achieving your dreams. Whether it’s starting your own business, pursuing a passion, or just living a life you love, we’ll discuss how believing in yourself and your…

i hate nothing about you with red heart light
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How To Not Let Things Bother You In a Relationship

If you want to know how to not let things bother you in a relationship, then keep reading. I’ve got some tips and hard truths for you about not letting things bother you in a relationship that you need to know. When people in long standing relationships are asked what the secret is to staying…

egg power fear hammer

Power vs Force: Explained

Do you know the difference between power vs force? On the surface level, distinguishing power vs force is pretty straightforward. Power is the ability to do something, while force has to do with getting that thing done. But let’s think about force in a specific context for a minute. Instead getting what you want by…