What is the Meaning of Spiritual Peace?

What is the Meaning of Spiritual Peace?

The meaning of spiritual peace can differ slightly for everyone. It’s the definition of what soul freedom feels like to you. If you were completely free of pain and suffering, had no worries, and had complete faith that the universe was working for your good no matter what, how would you feel? That, my friend,…

Small man brandishing fists at giant set of legs in black slacks. Your Ego is Not Your Amigo
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How Do You Know If You Have a Big Ego?

When I was taking classes, I’d often say to myself “I could teach this class better than the teacher.” This is how I know that I have a big ego (at least in that moment). Our thoughts are the main giveaway. If your thoughts are primarily about you, and how important you are, and how…

woman doing hand heart sign
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Develop Self Love with these 15 Tips

The Importance of Self Love Do you think that to develop self love is selfish? Many of us have been taught that tending to our own needs first is wrong. The truth is that learning to love yourself is not selfish, it is in fact the key to a free and happy life. Do you…

The Law of Attraction Q & A
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The Law of Attraction Q & A

The questions for this Law of Attraction Q & A were submitted by readers of our newsletter. What is my purpose?  Finding your purpose in life can be quite challenging.  Sometimes, it’s hard to even know where to start.  How about trying to make a list of your values?  The things that are truly important…

photo of woman standing on sunflower field
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Your Affirmations Aren’t Working: 3 Reasons Why

Discover why your affirmations aren’t working, and how to remedy the ritual of your affirmations practice. Building a daily routine that includes positive affirmations is a wonderful beginning for creating the life you want.  Taking the time to center and ground yourself during the day is an important way to set yourself up for success…

Positive Self Talk: Forget That Noise
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Positive Self Talk: Forget That Noise

In the year 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote an important book that discussed the impact of positive self talk & mindset on financial success. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, he asserted that success truly starts internally. The book lays out a step by step process for creating a mentality that  will attract success into…