In this video, I’m going to share with you 3 reasons why you attracted that narcissistic person into your life. If you’re struggling with narcissism or have been affected by a narcissist in your past, this video is for you. With awareness we can begin to understand what some of the reasons we can become…

Law of Attraction Vibration or Frequency Examples
How the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration affect your ability to manifest. I was outside today overhearing a neighbors conversation with another neighbor. It was a great example of the Law of Attraction Vibration. I wanted to share my experience with you and my perspective to try to give you some valuable…

Positive Affirmation Groups
Positive Affirmation Groups That You Can Use To Better Your Life This is the final blog post in a three part series. The series consists of positive affirmation groups that you can focus your energy on in a daily routine. We recommend only working on one group at a time for the next 30-60 days…

You Don’t Need MONEY, You Just Need to BELIEVE: Money & Beliefs [Video Short]
In order to create money and wealth you must first believe that it is possible. In this video, we explore how money and belief are both essential for achieving your dreams. Whether it’s starting your own business, pursuing a passion, or just living a life you love, we’ll discuss how believing in yourself and your…

Get Over Yourself – You’re Not That Important
6 Beliefs to Get Over Yourself and Break a Sense of Entitlement Sure, we have all heard the saying “life’s not fair,” but have you ever really dug deep down into your soul attempting to understand this? I have…read more to find out about it so you can finally get over yourself and get on…