Law of Attraction Meditation Morning
Welcome to this law of attraction meditation morning time is a great way to help you gain clarity and focus for today. If you are new here my name is Robert from and I will be your guide today. Guiding you towards creating the life of your dreams. Take a moment to find a…
Welcome to this law of attraction meditation morning time is a great way to help you gain clarity and focus for today. If you are new here my name is Robert from and I will be your guide today.
Guiding you towards creating the life of your dreams. Take a moment to find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Let’s begin.
We are going to start with box breathing.
Box breathing is an easy way to help calm the mind and body.
You can think of your breath in the shape of a box.
We breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, exhale slowly for 5 seconds, and then with our lungs empty we hold for 5 more seconds, and then repeat…
If the thought of not having air in your lungs is scary, it’s ok. We will only repeat this exercise twice in the beginning, and then we can breath normally through the remainder of the meditation.
Settle In Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath through your nose, 2, 3, 4 5. Hold it for a moment, and now exhale through the mouth, 2, 3, 4, 5 and hold, 2, 3, 4, 5.. And again, in through the nose 2, 3, 4, 5. hold 2, 3, 4, 5, and exhale through the mouth 2,3,4,5 and hold 2,3,4,5…
Feel your body relax as you release any tension. Allow yourself to feel calm and centered. As we calm our mind and our body we can begin our visualizations.

For the first visualization Picture yourself standing on soft, warm grass. Imagine roots growing from the bottoms of your feet, reaching deep into the earth. These roots ground you, making you feel stable, supported, and connected to the world around you. You are safe, and you are ready to attract positive energy into your day.
Picture the sun warming your skin and the warmth of its light fully enveloping you and giving you strength.
As you feel that warmth and that energy we can begin picturing our perfect day.
Today will be the day that you will be shown something that will alter the course of your life.
It could come from anywhere at any time.
Ask the Universe to come into your heart, and to reveal it’s plan to us when the time is right.
Ask the Universe directly…
Come into my life and show me what I need to know and what I need to do.

Visualize Your Ideal Day Now, let’s create a mental picture of your perfect day. See yourself waking up happy, full of energy, and ready to embrace the opportunities ahead. Imagine everything flowing smoothly for you. See yourself smiling, surrounded by positivity and success. Visualize all the good things you want to attract today. Feel the feelings of joy and gratitude as you picture these perfect moments.
As you are picturing these moments, in your minds eye repeat these affirmations silently or aloud, feeling their power and truth in your heart:
- I am grateful for this new day and all the opportunities it brings.
- I attract positive energy and abundance into my life.
- Everything I desire is already on its way to me.
- I am worthy of love, success, and happiness.
- Today is a day full of joy and miracles.
- Today is the day that I will receive and Abundance Miracle.
Take a moment to feel the power of these words. Let them sink deep into your mind and soul.
Gratitude and Letting Go Think of three things you are grateful for right now. They can be simple, like the warmth of your bed, the fresh air, or the people you love. Feel the gratitude fill your heart. Gratitude is a powerful magnet for attracting more good into your life.
Now, let go of any doubts or worries. Picture them as clouds drifting away in the sky. Trust that the universe is working in your favor. You don’t need to force or chase anything; you are in perfect alignment with the flow of abundance.
Closing and Setting Intentions Take another deep breath in through your nose, hold it, and exhale slowly. When you’re ready, bring your attention back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes gently. As you open your eyes, say this to yourself: “Today, I choose to attract positivity, success, and happiness into my life.”
Thank you for joining this morning’s law of attraction meditation. Remember, the energy you carry with you shapes the day ahead. Start with positivity, and watch how everything aligns in your favor. Have a beautiful day.