The Power of Discernment
What is the Power of Discernment? I used to think that I really understood the power of discernment. I like to look things up now (since my spiritual awakening) because, as it turns out, I usually don’t actually know what things mean. I just like to assume I do. Do you ever wish that you…
What is the Power of Discernment?
I used to think that I really understood the power of discernment. I like to look things up now (since my spiritual awakening) because, as it turns out, I usually don’t actually know what things mean. I just like to assume I do.
Do you ever wish that you had advance notice of major life events? Imagine the relief you would feel if you had a “clairvoyant friend” that could help map out the future for you.
An answer to this age old problem can be found in the science of numerology. Using just your name & birthdate, Aidan Powers, a master numerologist, can predict what’s coming up in your life over the next 12 months.
With Aidan’s free Numerology reading, you will learn secrets about your future, including the exact date of your next major life changing event.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Click here for FREE access to the reading that will help you take control of your destiny.

I used to really think I had a good handle on people. I thought I knew and understood them well. But the truth is, I really didn’t. I just thought I did.
I love to scroll through Facebook because it gives me inspiration to write blog posts that can hopefully offer readers a fresh perspective. I am not trying to change anyone’s mind, but only offer a different way to look at things.

I really was a very highly opinionated person. I really thought I knew WAY more about things that I actually did.
When I became deep in my journey of self-awareness and mindfulness, I was constantly evaluating my own thinking. All of the thoughts that I would have throughout the course of the day. And I started to notice patterns.
Many patterns existed, but today I want to discuss one that just changed the entire world and the way I see it. That massive shift in perspective where you really find inner peace and can be comfortable in your own skin.
As I was going through the course of the day, there were many different situations that I encountered. I noticed that no matter what situation I was in, or what was being discussed, I seemed to have an answer for everything.
Well…this is happening because of that. Those people over there, well they are doing this and that because they are thinking this and that.
Jumping to Conclusions
Notice it’s not a specific situation. It’s just a general look at the pattern that existed in my mind.
Highly Opinionated = Closed Minded
I had an opinion about everything. I seemed to have an answer for why everything and everyone was the way it was.
I also had thoughts about what they needed to be doing differently. I had a lot of those thoughts.
Well they need to be doing this and that, because of this and that.
At some point I made this realization about myself, and I went..good grief. I seem to think I know where everyone is supposed to be, how they are supposed to be acting, and why they are acting the way they are. I was so egocentric and crazy that I even believed that I knew what they were THINKING!
I started to really take a look at that pattern and ask myself, “What do I REALLY know about this?”…and every single time the answer was “NOTHING.”
I walked around as if I was some kind of expert on EVERYTHING.

The worst part about it, is that those “opinions” I had about how everyone was supposed to be living thier lives, and how they are supposed to act, and what they should be doing, were really not opinions to me.
How the government should spend it’s money.
How much money a billionaire should be giving to charity.
How the world should treat me.
How much gas should cost.
In my mind they were facts.
I was the be all, know all, omnipresent master of the Universe.
I had this jolt of lightning go through me, and I thought, “Oh my God, I think I’m God.” I think I am the one that knows what is best for everyone. I think I am the one that knows what everyone else is supposed to be doing at all times.
The moment I realized how incredibly full of crap I was, I started to feel all this energy flow through me like the heavens had come right down onto earth and I was standing in the middle of it.
The Path to Enlightenment
I was the judgemental type who thought everyone else was stupid and somehow below me. As if I was the one who decided who was stupid, dumb, lazy, etc…
I was a completely insecure child that was so impossibly hard headed and arrogant, that I looked down on other people and never considered anyone else’s opinion but my own (or yours if it was the same as mine).
At some point I had to realize that I actually really didn’t have ANY IDEA what I was talking about, and that my mouth was just constantly running.
Humility = Freedom From Pain
I had to become humble and learn that whatever little knowledge that I had, wasn’t all that important in the greater course of human events, and I wasn’t an expert on ANYTHING (except being an asshole…that came naturally).
I learned how to shut up and listen to other people so that I could make some changes in my life for the better.
More than anything, I learned that most people are just talking to hear themselves talk and love to express their opinions and their experiences.
The vast majority of the time, they think they are helping. It’s important to remember that, and not look down on others.
Today I have learned that if a person has NEVER accomplished what they are voicing their beliefs/opinions/experiences about…that their opinion is completely irrelevant.

It’s like listening to someone that isn’t happy talk about happiness. What good is that person’s opinion or experience to you if you are striving for happiness?
Or the person who claims that judging people is really an OK thing to do, (yet they have no experience NOT judging…so what good is that opinion)? What does that person REALLY know about not judging….(nothing).
I used to be so gullible and easily influenced, and I would just listen to anyone.
But today I ask…what does this person REALLY know about this? Can it be useful?
Or is it just another person talking about nothing?
If you want to do something in this life, go find someone that has done it before you.
Don’t argue with them, don’t explain to them YOUR ideas (which by the way haven’t done anything for you), listen to theirs so you can accomplish what they accomplished.
The science of Numerology can help.
Do you ever wish that you had advance notice of major life events? Imagine the relief you would feel if you had a “clairvoyant friend” that could help map out the future for you.
An answer to this age old problem can be found in the science of numerology. Using just your name & birthdate, Aidan Powers, a master numerologist, can predict what’s coming up in your life over the next 12 months.
With Aidan’s free Numerology reading, you will learn secrets about your future, including the exact date of your next major life changing event.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Click here for FREE access to the reading that will help you take control of your destiny.