Crown Chakra Affirmations

Crown Chakra Affirmations

Do you need some extra powerful crown chakra affirmations so that you can better connect with the divine? Well, look no further. We are wrapping up our series on chakra affirmations in a big way with 15 crown charka affirmations that are specifically designed to rocket your affirmations practice into the next dimension. But first,…

adorable blur bookcase books

The Best Thing In The World

Do you know what the best thing in the world is? Well, it’s a pretty subjective question. One might say their dog, or their car, or their children. Another may take a different approach, and point to something less tangible. Something like love, or happiness, or purpose. And I won’t argue that any of these…

The Law of Attraction Q & A
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The Law of Attraction Q & A

The questions for this Law of Attraction Q & A were submitted by readers of our newsletter. What is my purpose?  Finding your purpose in life can be quite challenging.  Sometimes, it’s hard to even know where to start.  How about trying to make a list of your values?  The things that are truly important…