Don’t Mess with an Empath: 9 Reasons Why

Don’t Mess with an Empath: 9 Reasons Why

There are many reasons to never mess with someone who has an empathic gift. They are able to understand emotions and energy so easily that knowing some of the top triggers for empaths, and how to avoid them, will help you navigate any relationship with an empathetic soul. But here are the top 9 ways…

Small man brandishing fists at giant set of legs in black slacks. Your Ego is Not Your Amigo
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How Do You Know If You Have a Big Ego?

When I was taking classes, I’d often say to myself “I could teach this class better than the teacher.” This is how I know that I have a big ego (at least in that moment). Our thoughts are the main giveaway. If your thoughts are primarily about you, and how important you are, and how…