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You Don’t Need MONEY, You Just Need to BELIEVE: Money & Beliefs [Video Short]

In order to create money and wealth you must first believe that it is possible. In this video, we explore how money and belief are both essential for achieving your dreams. Whether it’s starting your own business, pursuing a passion, or just living a life you love, we’ll discuss how believing in yourself and your…

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What Do You Do When You Don’t Achieve Your Goals?

If you don’t know what to do when you don’t achieve your goals, you are not alone. We all come up short sometimes, but the important thing is to not give up. Even when we decide to cut our losses and move on, we must set our sights on the next goal, and pursue it…

marketing school business idea

How To Get What You Want

Do you want to know how to get what you want? We all have things that we want in life, but sometimes getting them can be a challenging process. The first step of knowing how to get what you want is knowing what it is that you want, exactly. There are many layers when it…

Stop Caring About What Other People Think of You: 5 Benefits
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Stop Caring About What Other People Think of You: 5 Benefits

Stop caring about what other people think about you, unless the opinion comes from a healthy advisor. If it comes from those in your life whom you can trust to honestly give you their input about your plans, hopes, and dreams, especially when you’ve asked for that input, then what they say could be worth…