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How Does Increased Energy and Vitality Benefit You?

It is true that increased energy and vitality benefit you. But how? And how do we capitalize on these benefits to make the most of having them? These are the questions we’ll be answering in this post. So, read on for some valuable information on how increased energy and vitality benefit you. How Does Increased…

photo of a man sitting under the tree

How Do You Find Harmony and Balance In Life?

To find harmony and balance in life, you first must understand what each of them is, and how they go hand in hand. Balance refers to our inner relationship. How well do you get along with yourself? Do you love yourself whole-heartedly? Or, do you betray yourself by not standing your ground or standing up…

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How Do I Live a Zen Lifestyle?

Have you ever wondered, “How do I live a Zen lifestyle?” Well, living a Zen lifestyle is easier than you might think. You know that feeling of Zen you get when you visit the day spa? It is possible to extend that feeling out to the rest of your day and eventually, your entire life….

What is the Meaning of Spiritual Peace?

What is the Meaning of Spiritual Peace?

The meaning of spiritual peace can differ slightly for everyone. It’s the definition of what soul freedom feels like to you. If you were completely free of pain and suffering, had no worries, and had complete faith that the universe was working for your good no matter what, how would you feel? That, my friend,…

Small man brandishing fists at giant set of legs in black slacks. Your Ego is Not Your Amigo
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How Do You Know If You Have a Big Ego?

When I was taking classes, I’d often say to myself “I could teach this class better than the teacher.” This is how I know that I have a big ego (at least in that moment). Our thoughts are the main giveaway. If your thoughts are primarily about you, and how important you are, and how…

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Develop Self Love with these 15 Tips

The Importance of Self Love Do you think that to develop self love is selfish? Many of us have been taught that tending to our own needs first is wrong. The truth is that learning to love yourself is not selfish, it is in fact the key to a free and happy life. Do you…

Your Thoughts Determine Financial Success
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Your Thoughts Determine Financial Success

Did you know that your thoughts determine your financial success? Are you where you hoped to be financially at this point in your life? Perhaps you’d hoped to own your own home by now. Maybe you thought you’d have a stock portfolio and be able to afford that long, expensive vacation. Have you done everything…

Practicing Radical Acceptance Generates Peace

Practicing Radical Acceptance Generates Peace

Practicing radical acceptance has the potential to improve lives and create goodwill throughout society. My own lack of practicing radical acceptance of the world has me slightly fueled by emotion as I write this blog post. I’m not sure if the blog post will ever get published, but I really feel it necessary to write…

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Establishing Yourself as a Leader at Work

Maybe you are already establishing yourself as a leader in some aspects of your life. Perhaps you always took the lead in group projects at school, and are now the captain of your adult softball team. You might be a natural-born leader.  However, at work, you may struggle to find that same edge and confidence…